Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2024

Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2024

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is, Sagittarius, another intense and interesting month, with implications for you on the home front, and as well with the way that your artistic self-expression is playing out in your life. This possibly involves creative projects, your children, or other initiatives and endeavors, which reflect your own unique perspective on who, at base, you really are. With Mercury Retrograde all month long in this same sector of your solar chart, you are currently engaged as well in rethinking certain aspects of your identity and your productions. And much of this renewed understanding of yourself takes place deep within your psyche in hidden places below and beyond below the surface of your daytime personality. The Aries solar eclipse and New Moon of April 8th brings this out all the more. There could also be inner wounding that will come closer to your consciousness in this timing, and be ripe for greater connection, and more thorough integration. This that may ameliorate the ways that these self-doubts have been holding you back from your most authentic achievements. You could be finding that, as a result of this monthly cycle, your most sincere values are coming more greatly into your awareness.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

April begins under the waning influence of what was incepted last month at the Pisces New Moon which for you, took place in your domestic sector. Home, family and your living arrangements are significant thematic factors still playing out in April over the course of its first week. Thus issues surrounding your home life, with a focus on your long term domestic goals and investments, continue to be on your mind, also responding to the highlighted presence there of Saturn, ruling traditional rather than novel solutions. Your work environment and habitual patterns of behavior might also be in some ongoing form of joyful fluctuation, given the elevated presence there of Trickster Uranus and Jupiter, you ruler.

On April 1st, Mercury turns retrograde in Aries, initiating a period of introspection and reconsideration of your creativity and your projects. Mercury’s backward motion as an influence needs to be taken into consideration this month, especially in the realms of your self-expression sector, ruling also romance and pleasure, and there you could find false leads or a labyrinth of complications especially if you rush to conclusion. Major decisions are best put on hold until after the end of April, if that is possible.

On April 2nd and 3rd, the first week of April is colored by Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces which may accentuate romantic feelings especially for the olden times. Your family and your childhood memories could be influencing your perception in mysterious ways bringing a longing for the past or for something that is just out of reach. You could feel more sentimental than usual although this may allow you to hear your heart’s desires more clearly.

Venus leaves her watery abode of Pisces for the fiery embrace of Aries late on April 4th; you could experience this as igniting passions and energizing a desire to simply have fun. You may be somewhat akin to an excited teenager now, leading up to the powerful solar eclipse in Aries the following Monday, although very likely your responsibilities and your sense of duty will help to keep things in check.

The Aries solar eclipse and New Moon lands on the 8th, which represents a super-charged juncture and fresh beginnings in romance and creativity, and is forming an exact conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer archetype, emphasizing hurt feelings from the past that could have lodged within your psyche and require a bit of careful attention to begin to heal. Your vulnerabilities do require loving attention at this time. This important moment could highlight a need to support and care for the ways in which you express yourself. If you haven’t been able to feel heard, this solar eclipse could bring a powerful momentum for integration especially if you have been tip-toeing or trying to keep the peace in your collaborations. Regardless of what transpires at this time, it could help you integrate fears or insecurities you may have around self-expression or around pursuing what is calling you at this time.

Your children, your personal interest or a romantic scenario could also be influencing your decisions at this time as the influx of planets in Aries, including the solar eclipse, emphasizes pleasure, joy, and passions.

On the 9th and 10th, following the eclipse New Moon, Mars and Saturn form a conjunction in Pisces and while something of a slowing down is indicated, especially with relationships, this also speaks of the timing necessary to see something through. You may gain a more realistic sense of how long something will take, especially if you are thinking about moving or making a major change in relation to your domestic life.

On April 11th, Mercury in Aries reaches the Sun, signaling the halfway point of its retrograde cycle. The noon moment PT can be interpreted as a signature of clarity and illumination. This is also in general one peak of the retrograde season, which continues to play out until the 25th, and after that, the post-retrograde shadow lasts until May 13th.

On April 19th, the Sun enters Taurus signaling the beginning of a busy season for you that may involve schedules, logistics and tying up loose ends to make space for what you want to do. You may have to be more deliberate with your time as you progress through April as you may not only find yourself managing others but also trying to make big things happen.

From April 17th to the 23rd, exact on the 20th, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus may bring sudden upgrades and new technologies at work that could make your life much easier. There may be a learning curve involved but the overall mood could be progressive if you are able to keep up with this accelerated pace and implement new ways of doing things that can simplify your life in the long run.

The Full Moon in Scorpio takes place on April 23rd in the part of your chart that relates to dream imagination, unconscious process, and inner work, illuminating old patterns and fears that have kept you from moving forward. Pluto in Aquarius is featured as well in the Full Moon by a square alignment to the Sun and Moon, along with the new planet Haumea, emphasizing a need to transform outmoded frameworks and take up your deeply-felt inner moral compass represented your own individual cherished values. This powerful lunation could serve as a good reminder that you are the only one responsible for your happiness and that your daily choices and habits play a major role in bringing you closer to who you want to be.

Mercury in Aries turns direct on April 25th contributing to a renewed sense of possibilities and pleasure in the weeks ahead. Things that felt stuck or chaotic just a month ago could finally be beginning to loosen up, allowing you to progress more rapidly at this time.

Although you may still have a lot of work on your hands, your mood at the end of April is progressive and enthusiastic so that people around you could be more supportive; this is especially so once Venus enters Taurus on the 29th and Mars enters compatible Aries on the 30th. This is a promise of refinement as well as renewed action for the things that you love, what you are passionate about, and what makes your heart soar.

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