Aquarius Horoscope for April 2024

Posted on March 30, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another interesting month, Aquarius, in the midst of a volatile year. Your home front concerns have been front and center, including your psychological roots, your family dynamics, perhaps issues stemming from your family of origin, or this could also be about projects related to your physical dwelling space. Your private life is far from dull, and might even be filled with brilliant ideas and novel experiences representing a departure from tried, true, and potentially outmoded ways of being. Starting at the very beginning of April, Mercury retrogrades in your communications sector, giving this month an introspective feel. You might be reflecting, refining, and rearticulating what is going on for you, at depth, and you will also potentially be more available to intuitional information from deep inside yourself. With the ongoing influence of Pluto in your sign comes transformational change at the level of your most basic sense of self. All this gets magnified at the solar eclipse and New Moon of April 8th, which is quite a powerful juncture, so that you might feel a distinct shift. In this timing, you are more determined than ever that your spoken and written word is uttered for an explicit purpose that advances your deeper principles and values. The week leading up to the Full Moon of the 23rd is also quite illuminating and socially connected, as is the Full Moon time itself.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces that took place last month brought an important momentum in the sector of your chart that relates to your resources and your values, and this continues to play out as the first week of April unfolds. You also might feel the impact upon your home scene of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, or your domestic sector, with Uranus featured, including the surprises and sudden unexpected bursts of enlightenment associated with the cosmic Trickster.

April also begins on tricky territory between two eclipses and with Mercury stationing retrograde in Aries right from the 1st. This is not an April Fool’s joke although you may have to work around situations that seem more confounding, with mis-communications and mechanical breakdowns becoming commonplace. This retrograde takes place in your communication sector and although you may be full of really good ideas, you may have to pick and choose and focus on just a few things which could be easier said than done.

On April 2nd and 3rd, the first week of April is also highly influenced by the Venus-Neptune conjunction occurring in Pisces, bringing a dreamy and idealistic undertow. Your altruistic qualities could be highlighted in a big way but you may have to manage your self-sacrificing tendencies and where you invest your energies. Venus entering Aries late on the 4th and forming a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius on the 5th and 6th could thankfully bring your attention back to your personal goals and how to reach them most efficiently.

Your skills, your ideas and the ways in which you communicate with others could become an important focus following the April 8th solar eclipse in the part of your chart that relates to communication, talking, writing and to a certain extent, social media. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, exactly conjunct the eclipse Sun and Moon could emphasize insecurities you may feel related to authentic communication and the obstacles that stand in the way of honesty. Since this eclipse is taking place in the sign of Aries, it may be important to acknowledge your pioneering spirit and your need for efficiency even if others do not always understand or follow your ideas. You could feel blocked by circumstances that are outside of your control but understand that this process is also leading you towards greater autonomy.

Mars and Saturn, conjunct in Pisces in the eclipse configuration and perfecting over the next two days until the 10th, might represent slowing down to take stock of your finances and other resources. Saturn in Pisces until 2025 is also emphasizing the need to think carefully about your investments and structure your long term financial well-being in ways that make sense for you. Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces emphasizes what money can buy and you may already be deeply invested in making sure that you have what you want and need which is closely connected to what you think you deserve.

On April 11th, Mercury in Aries reaches the Sun, signaling the halfway point in its retrograde cycle and although Mercury is not out of the woods; yet there you could momentarily get a clearer sense of where things are heading, helping you find greater focus for the task at hand. Mercury stations in two weeks’ time and eventually escapes its retrograde shadow by May 13th.

Your home and your domestic life could come into greater focus in the second half of April with the Sun’s entry into Taurus on the 19th.

Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus from the 17th to the 23rd, exact on the 20th, which carries a progressive wind of change in your domestic realm. If you have been looking to upgrade your living arrangement there could be opportunities to do so in the coming weeks.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd culminates at the top of your chart in your career and vocational sector illuminating current and future trajectories. The Full Moon is also receiving a square from Pluto newly in your sign highlighting the transformational impact taking place for you internally that is affecting your vocational and aspirational goals. There could be important changes in the works and this Full Moon could be a flashpoint moment in terms of what you have outgrown.

Mercury stations direct in Aries on the 25th which should help you sort out your priorities in the coming weeks especially the career and financial ones. What has been initiated this month may continue to reverberate for months to come but rest assured that you have everything you need to succeed.

The last week of April is colored by Mars forming a conjunction with elusive Neptune in the part of your chart that relates to your resources and once again may require a pragmatic approach to resources and all things financial at the risk of inflating current opportunities.
Venus entering Taurus on the 29th and Mars entering Aries on the 30th brings a clearer signal for communication at the end of the month that should help you streamline what you’ve been working on rather quickly in the coming weeks.